Do you still sell on Groupon or LivingSocial?
The link to our Groupon store is below, but the deals are not always available.
How long does shipping take?
Boca Vitamin prioritizes quick processing and shipping for international orders, aiming to ship on the same day whenever possible. Customers receive tracking information promptly via email, and for those who choose the option, through SMS text as well. Delivery times typically range from 2 to 3 days, barring any delays specific to the destination area.
Tracking info will be available to you, and your order is guaranteed to be delivered by us.
What is the recommended dosage for B12?
Each ampule contains 2 ml, which is equivalent to 2 cc. You can start with 1 cc in the morning to assess how you feel. Typically, within an hour, you may experience a significant improvement, and the effects can last up to 2 days. The B12 and B Complex formula are effective on their own and have great results when rotated
What is the recommended dosage for the Lipotropic B-Complex?
Starting with one full cc every other day is a great way to begin your journey toward weight loss and increased energy levels.
Can I take the B12 and the Lipotropic B-Complex formula?
These work fantastic in rotation. A good start for energy and weight loss would be the following. Take 1 full cc of B-Complex on Monday, Wed, and Friday. Take half cc of B12 Tuesday, Thurs and Saturday. Take Sunday off.
What is the recommended dosage for vitamin C?
Taking 1 ml twice a week is highly effective for supporting the immune system and overall well-being.
Can I drink this?
NO, Results are much better and only effective by injection.
How do you take these products?
For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to administer this product through injection using an insulin syringe either subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
The Ampoules are 2cc and the syringe is 1cc, so what do I do?
Divide the formula into two syringes, ensuring that you extract all of it. Store one full syringe in a room-temperature, dark place or in the refrigerator for future use.
Where can I inject this?
Most people pinch the belly or thigh and inject.
What should I expect?
Users report experiencing a consistent and steady flow of energy, along with an improved mood, when using this product. There are no shaking or jittery sensations, just a natural boost in energy and an enhanced sense of well-being. Many users have mentioned that it has helped with issues such as depression, brain fog, concentration difficulties, and slow metabolism, among others. If you're taking at least half a cc per day, you may notice a decrease in hunger as well. Within the first couple of days, you'll likely recognize the positive effects on your overall feeling of wellness.
Is there anything I can do to make your products more effective?
It is always a good idea and common sense to eat green foods, drink plenty of water with lemon and exercise according to your wellness goals. As always, check with your primary care physician before starting any new health dietary regimen.
Please email us anytime at BocaVitamin@Gmail.com